Digital Revolution

Workplace communication and new technologies

Nowadays, we can say that a new generation of technologies are upon us and are changing the workplaces. They are imposing a new way to work and permit workplaces all around the world. Puskar, an American entrepreneur calls this phenomenon a “dynamic, cultural shift in the marketplace.” The global workplace is now a joyful and delightful experience. However, we can ask us if using new technologies and working virtually cut costs and promote productivity or is a source of new kinds of problems?

New technologies are changing workplaces by increasing efficiency and productivity

Lots of changes appeared in the workplace and they are the result of new and advanced technologies. Thanks to those technologies, it is now possible to work from virtual offices, to telecommute and to communicate with businesses and individuals worldwide. New technologies allow us to live in a global workplace where there are no time zones or office hours. Employees don’t need to be physically with their clients and co-workers anymore; they can communicate from home, across the world, in their car or on an airplane. They practically eliminate space and time.

Besides, those technologies allow the company to recruit and hire its candidates. Indeed, they use the Internet to post their job offers and to spread the word. Moreover, it is now possible to use personality tests in order to know if the candidate meets all the expectations of the company.

Finally, new technologies help innovation. Employees can use different business technologies to create innovative business ideas which can be used in business growth and expansion. For instance, lots of companies create technological challenges and congratulate employees with the best creative ideas. Moreover, employees can use Internet to promote their business.

To sum up, the use of new technologies can reduce human errors. By using databases, the company can facilitate quick decision-making. The use of internal networks is also very helpful. These new technologies offer a wide variety of services and opportunities, that allow the company to improve its results thanks to an increased efficiency and productivity.

The Costs of new technologies at work

To buy new technologies is very expensive. To maintain it is also expensive. That’s why; small structures and start-ups cannot always pay for a full-time technical person, if those new technologies are not well maintained, their performance will decrease and buying new computers or any other business technology can be more expensive.

Those technologies are also risky, when it is about data security above all. It can be very difficult to monitor the use and the privacy those information. For example, lots of employees use flash drive. This way, they can transfer critical business information and use it for their own personal gains.

Finally, technologies can distract employees. Social networks at work distract them and affect their productivity. That’s why, some companies decided to block the access of some websites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube). Smartphones or applications can also cause distraction. Besides, employees communicate thanks to smartphones, text messages, emails or video conferencing tools. This type of technology avoid face-to-face communication. However, interpersonal communication is very important to build relationships. This way, employees become more self-centered.

New technologies in a specific sector: the medical sector

New technologies really helped in the medical sector. For instance the Internet has become a main source of medical information. According to the Pew, Internet and American Life Project, in 2009 24 million Americans searched healthcare information online. Moreover, it allows to get new machines, medicines and treatments that save lives and improve the chance of recovery for billions, to improve the patient care (they now use computers to record medical history or results of tests), to link doctors with other doctors, to connect patients and doctors. According to Forbes, the 5 medical technologies that revolutionized healthcare are, 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, brain computer interfaces, robotics and point-of-care diagnostics.

New technologies and journalism

Have new communications technologies revitalised the public sphere, or become the commercial tool for an increasingly un-public, undemocratic news media? Are changing journalistic practices damaging the nature of news, or are new media allowing journalists to do more journalism and to engage the public more effectively?

With massive changes in the media environment and its technologies, interrogating the nature of news journalism is one of the most urgent tasks we face in defining the public interest today. The implications are serious, not just for the future of the news.

We explore today how technological, economic and social changes have reconfigured news journalism, and the consequences of these transformations for a vibrant democracy in our digital age. The result is a piercing examination of why understanding news journalism matters now more than ever. It is essential that we have to consider the danger of new technologies. It does affect people’s job, enviromment but in an orther way It does open new doors to new job opportunities ans it’s safer for pur enviromment in papier protection.

I don’t think is actually a bad thing.We just have to understand that we have to leave with our growing society.